Kun liu China
Provide a URL to a web page, technical memorandum, or a paper.
No response.
Provide a general summary with relevant background information: Where does the method come from? Is it novel? Name the prior art.
In the completion, I generated three features form the textual KCs and the problem name. After much preprocessing work, I used an own code Bagging for the huge data sets. I tried many classifiers and chose the ID3 as the base classifier finally. All the base classifiers were trained using ten-fold cross-validation. The combiner was based on simple vote.
Summarize the algorithms you used in a way that those skilled in the art should understand what to do. Profile of your methods as follows:
Please describe your data understanding efforts, and interesting observations:
Details on feature generation:
I used general knowledge of the algebra and granular computing to generate three features form the textual KCs and the problem name by own code.
Details on feature selection:
I used RapidMiner, an Open Source Tool for KDD, to do these job of the feature ranking with correlation or other criterion.
Details on latent factor discovery (techniques used, useful student/step features, how were the factors used, etc.):
From the perspective of a large granular of the KCs, I fund they has only a few categories.
More details on preprocessing:
I filled the missing values all with NULL.
Details on classification:
Details on model selection:
Scores shown in the table below are Cup scores, not leaderboard scores. The difference between the two is described on the Evaluation page.
A reader should also know from reading the fact sheet what the strength of the method is.
Please comment about the following:
Details on the relevance of the KC models and latent factors:
Details on software implementation:
Details on hardware implementation. Specify whether you provide a self contained-application or libraries.
Provide a URL for the code (if available):
List references below.