By using the DataShop web application or web services, or by downloading
data from DataShop, you agree to the following terms of use:
Data is for research purposes, not commercial purposes.
You will not make any attempts to de-anonymize the data.
DataShop makes no guarantees about the data in terms of quality or future
You will not distribute data obtained from DataShop. If you are
collaborating with others who require access to the data, they must
establish accounts with DataShop and agree to these terms.
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Carnegie Mellon University, the
Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center (PSLC), and DataShop of and from any
and all claims, demands, losses, causes of action, damage, lawsuits,
judgments, including attorneys' fees and costs, arising out of or relating
to your use and analysis of the data.
You will not attempt to modify or create a dataset with information that
identifies students.
Data/files uploaded must be educational in nature for the purposes of
DataShop is not responsible for any content uploaded by its users.
You may only upload content that is not subject to any copyright, or
content in which the author has given express authorization for
distribution on the Web. Any copyrighted content distributed with the
consent of a copyright owner should contain a phrase such as "Copyright,
owned by [name of owner]; used by permission." If publishing an academic
article, check with the publisher to see what kind of redistribution they
allow. In many cases, the author of a work may only distribute a pre-print
version of the article on the Web or in an open repository such as
The DataShop team maintains the right to ban users or IP addresses at the
team's discretion, for instance, if a user violates any of these terms.
Sample Selector is a tool for creating and editing
samples, or groups of data you compare across—they're
not "samples" in the statistical sense, but more like filters.
By default, a single sample exists: "All Data". With the Sample
Selector, you can create new samples to organize your data.
You can use samples to:
Compare across conditions
Narrow the scope of data analysis to a specific time range,
set of students, problem category, or unit of a curriculum (for example)
A sample is composed of one or more filters, specific
conditions that narrow down your sample.
Creating a sample
The general process for creating a sample is to:
Add a filter from the categories at the left to the composition
area at the right
Modify the filter to select the subset of data you're interested
in, saving it when done
View the sample preview table to see the effect of adding your filter,
making sure you don't have an empty set (ie, a filter or combination
of filters that exclude all transactions).
Name and describe the sample
Decide whether to share the sample with others who can view the
Save the sample
The effect of multiple filters
DataShop interprets each filter after the first as an additional
restriction on the data that is included in the sample. This is also known
as a logical "AND". You can see the results of multiple filters in the
sample preview as soon as all filters are "saved".
If you have logged into DataShop before but forgotten your password, do not create a new
account! Click here to reset your password.
I'm a Carnegie Mellon University student, staff, or faculty member
You don't need to register here. Instead, click here to log in with WebISO.
You will be asked to authenticate with WebISO, the CMU-standard authentication system. After
authenticating with CMU, you will be asked to create a DataShop account. Complete the registration
form to link your CMU identity with the DataShop system. Next time you log in, you will only need to
authenticate with CMU (WebISO).
I'm NOT a Carnegie Mellon University student, staff, or faculty member
Complete the form on this page to create your DataShop account. While there are no
requirements for your username, your password must be 6-12 characters, and may contain only
letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens (spaces are not allowed). Your password cannot contain
the username you've chosen. Passwords are case-sensitive. Your email address is
important: we will use it to help you reset your password if you ever forget it.