News Archive - 2007
Thursday, 20 December 2007
DataShop Winter Workshop - January 23rd, 2008
The DataShop team is excited to announce we'll be holding a DataShop hands-on workshop on Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008. Please click here for more details!
Monday, 5 October 2007
DataShop v2.3 Patched
Please let us know if you have any feature requests for our next version.
Release Notes v2.3.14
Fixed Problems
- DS370 Sample Selector fails silently sometimes. A sample is created but it does not have all the data. Try again when server's load is low. Let us know if you see this happening.
- DS440 Starting range number on Problem Breakdown table off by one, but data shown and export are correct.
Known Problems
- DS55 Difficult to see third learning curve: If the opportunities for the third learning curve (green, with triangle end points) for a curriculum have an error value of 0, it is very hard to see this on the graph.
- DS139 Web-iso account creation: Currently, the webiso new user functionality does work, but it goes through the OLI pages for the account creation. So, other than having the OLI look and feel, there is no problem. In the future, these pages will have the Data Shop look and feel instead.
- DS142 Tutor messages which have no tool message paired with it are not imported.
- DS168 Using the arrow keys causes a double event in safari text suggest.
- DS170 Learning Curve: Colors are bouncing around.
- DS313 Going back to home page always shows My Datasets.
- DS426 Clicking scroll bar closes sample filter popup in both IE and Safari. For a workaround, try typing in more text into the text field, or using the scroll wheel on your mouse instead.
- DS433 Order of columns in Sample Selector's preview table illogical.
- DS438 Exception in import tool if first row is not column headings.
- DS461 Cannot hide full abstract after editing.
- DS472 Chinese characters do not display for the titles of learning curves.
Monday, 8 October 2007
DataShop v2.3 Released
The DataShop team is happy to announce a new version of the DataShop. Please check it out and let us know how much you like it. If you are a Principal Investigator, please go to your datasets and update the Overview fields on the Dataset Info page.
Please note there are new downloads for the Java Logging Library, the Import Verification Tool, and the XML Validator. If you are using these tools, please get the latest.
We have also posted the new Guide to the Tutor Message Format on our DTD page. Its is available in both HTML and PDF. This new guide is not only more complete, detailing every element and its attributes and what the DataShop does with the data, but it was written with the help of a technical writer, so it should be easier to understand than the PowerPoint document used up until now. The Media Logging Specification document has been incorporated into this guide and the diagrams of the PowerPoint document have been retained and updated.
New features include:
- Editable fields on Dataset Info page.
- Projects page shows a gold star next to projects which have attached papers.
- Projects show a special icon to indicate project is public. Most useful on 'My Projects' page.
- Untutored events (e.g. media events) are now being imported.
- Sample selector has new columns under Tutor Transaction.
- Student Response Type
- Tutor Response Type
- Student Response Subtype
- Tutor Response Subtype
- XML Validator updated to make use of new XML schema. Also doing extra validations.
- Java Logging Library updated to support media specification.
Release Notes v2.3
Known High Priority Problems
- DS370 Sample Selector fails silently sometimes. A sample is created but it does not have all the data. Try again when server's load is low. Let us know if you see this happening.
- DS426 Clicking scroll bar closes sample filter popup in both IE and Safari. For a workaround, try typing in more text into the text field, or using the scroll wheel on your mouse instead.
Known Medium Priority Problems
- none
Known Low Priority Problems
- DS55 Difficult to see third learning curve: If the opportunities for the third learning curve (green, with triangle end points) for a curriculum have an error value of 0, it is very hard to see this on the graph.
- DS137 Issues with Chinese characters: The sample selector does not work when a filter string has a Chinese character.
- DS139 Web-iso account creation: Currently, the webiso new user functionality does work, but it goes through the OLI pages for the account creation. So, other than having the OLI look and feel, there is no problem. In the future, these pages will have the Data Shop look and feel instead.
- DS142 Tutor messages which have no tool message paired with it are not imported.
- DS168 Using the arrow keys causes a double event in safari text suggest.
- DS170 Learning Curve: Colors are bouncing around.
- DS313 Going back to home page always shows My Datasets.
- DS433 Order of columns in Sample Selector's preview table illogical.
- DS438 Exception in import tool if first row is not column headings.
- DS440 Starting range number on Problem Breakdown table off by one, but data shown and export are correct.
Tuesday, 10 August 2007
How to contact the DataShop
The DataShop team is working hard to get all of your data into the DataShop. As there are so many PSLC courses and projects, its not easy to keep it all straight. To make our jobs easier and get your data in faster, please remember to send all email to datashop-help. Please use the specific dataset name(s) for the dataset(s) you are asking about and mention the driving factors for your deadlines. This will help us prioritize our tasks more efficiently.
For those of you with access to the PSLC Theory Wiki, you may have noticed a new topic in the left hand navigation, called DataShop Pipeline. Here is where you can find your dataset(s) and the status of the data. Please help us by adding your dataset if it is not already listed and/or updating any inaccurate information.
Also keep your dataset(s) up to date! Go in and attach files and papers to your dataset(s). The files can include background information about the data or be data analysis artifact files. The paper can be draft or unpublished versions. The more information we have the better! So login to the DataShop to analyze your data, create samples, and attach files/papers.
Tuesday, 10 August 2007
DataShop v2.2 Patched Again
Bugs Fixed:
- DS363 Log conversion too slow for help-seeking data.
See post on June 7th for Release Notes.
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
XML Validator Tool
There is a new tool for those of you who are converting raw logs into the standard logging format in XML which has now available under downloads. Given a directory, it will validate all the XML files in that directory. See our XML Validator Tool page for more information. Try it and let us know if it works for you.
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
DataShop v2.2 Patched Again
One Bug Fixed
- DS362 UTF8 not working for export
See previous post for Release Notes.
Thursday, 7 June 2007
DataShop v2.2 Patched
New features include:
- Knowledge component tagging on a per student basis.
- Corrected error attribution in learning curves.
- UTF8 support in sample creation.
- Additional performance enhancement when calculating sample information.
- Minor bugs in the import tool.
- Corrected error in files and papers abstract truncation.
Release Notes v2.2.16
Known Medium Priority Problems
- DS137 Issues with Chinese characters: Learning curve graphs do not properly display .
- DS308 Datasets with no transactions occasional still get an 'All Data' sample.
- DS309 Custom field value truncated if too long.
- DS321 Duplicate sessions created in the database.
- DS353 Occasional Error when exporting the same dataset twice.
Known Low Priority Problems
- DS55 Difficult to see third learning curve: If the opportunities for the third learning curve (green, with triangle end points) for a curriculum have an error value of 0, it is very hard to see this on the graph.
- DS139 Web-iso account creation: Currently, the webiso new user functionality does work, but it goes through the OLI pages for the account creation. So, other than having the OLI look and feel, there is no problem. In the future, these pages will have the Data Shop look and feel instead.
- DS142 Import tool messages which have no tutor message paired with it, and vice versa.
- DS168 Using the arrow keys causes a double event in safari text suggest.
- DS170 Learning Curve: Colors are bouncing around.
- DS313 Going back to home page always shows My Datasets.
Thursday, 8 March 2007
DataShop v2.2 Released!
New features include:
- Much faster data conversion.
- Much faster learning curves.
- The Performance Profiler
- Multi-purpose tool for identifying areas that are too difficult or too easy
- Aggregation by Problem, Step, Knowledge Component, or Student
- View measures of Error Rate, Assistance Score, Average Number of Incorrects, Average Number of Hints, and Residual Error Rate Percentage (Predicted – Actual).
- Import Data to create new datasets easier
- In addition to the XML format, we now accept a tab-delimited format very similar to the export data format. Note that the export data format changed slightly to match. See our Import File Verification Tool page for more information.
Release Notes v2.2.7
Known High Priority Problems
- DS282 Union of skills for a step is incorrect when creating the step-rollup table. This affects datasets from geometry and algebra where steps are not necessarily semantic steps. Expect a patch in April for this problem.
Known Medium Priority Problems
- DS137 Issues with Chinese characters: The sample selector does not work when a filter string has a Chinese character.
Known Low Priority Problems
- DS55 Difficult to see third learning curve: If the opportunities for the third learning curve (green, with triangle end points) for a curriculum have an error value of 0, it is very hard to see this on the graph.
- DS139 Web-iso account creation: Currently, the webiso new user functionality does work, but it goes through the OLI pages for the account creation. So, other than having the OLI look and feel, there is no problem. In the future, these pages will have the Data Shop look and feel instead.
- DS142 Import tool messages which have no tutor message paired with it, and vice versa.
- DS168 Using the arrow keys causes a double event in safari text suggest.
- DS170 Learning Curve: Colors are bouncing around.
- DS313 Going back to home page always shows My Datasets.